Friday, January 8, 2016

Profound Blessings

Happy New Year friends!!

So, I was reading my First 5 App devotional this morning and this reflection question was asked at the end, "If you’ve seen God turn your personal sacrifice into a profound blessing, would you share it to encourage others?" Now, I did not have a personal sacrifice that instantly popped into my head, but I did have a dear friend come to mind, Stephanie.

I met Stephanie back in 2003 at JcPenney's, where we both started our first jobs. A little background on us at the time: I was 17, angry at the world cause my mom was an addict, who was taking my paychecks to make ends meet; Stephanie was a beautiful, bright 17 year old who loved Jesus, but was a bit shy and a bit unsure of herself. At the time, I smoked cigarettes, I loved myself more than anything in the world and I did not want anything to do with God. But I did need a ride home from work after my shift. The one thing I knew for sure was that if Stephanie was working, I had a ride home. Yes, I had to listen to K-Love in her car but I always felt at peace with Stephanie. I felt like everything was going to be okay when I was with her.

She then invited me to see Passion of the Christ with her and a friend. I remember balling my eyes out when Jesus died on the cross but for me at the time, it was just a movie where a really nice guy died, not my Savior dying on a cross for me. Afterwards, we drove around and they asked me about Jesus and what I thought about him. I honestly don't remember much about my answer, but I'm sure to Stephanie it was probably pretty disappointing.

In the same way, 
let your good deeds shine out 
for all to see, 
so that everyone 
will praise your heavenly father.
Matthew 5:16 NLT

As I sit here and ponder about those years, what strikes me the most is how obedient Stephanie was. She could have easily changed the station to something I would have been comfortable with, but she didn't. She had K-Love playing every single time I was in her car. I remember that. I remember the station playing in a car when I had rides from probably 20 other people and I couldn't tell you a single conversation we had, let alone the music that we listened to. Stephanie remained true to who she was. She was a Christian with values. She never preached to me that I was going to hell if I didn't repent. In fact, besides our one night going to see Passion of the Christ, she didn't preach to me at all. Instead, she physically showed me what it meant to be in a relationship with Jesus. Like I already said, I knew if she was working, I had a ride home. No matter the cost to her, she would make sure I got home safely. She listened when I spoke to her. She would take in all of what I was saying and then tell me something so profound. Now I know, the Holy Spirit was speaking through her to my heart. Stephanie was a Holy invitation to the most meaningful relationship of my life.

But, if you recall, I wasn't saved until 2008. The last time I saw Stephanie was in a Starbucks in 2004. We met there and I bragged about how I was living with my boyfriend and how great everything was. You see, I thought Joe, my husband now, was my savior at the time. He rescued me from my mom and the situation I was living in. Goodness, I can't even imagine how disappointing that conversation must have been for Stephanie. I'm positive she had faithfully prayed for my salvation and she had planted seeds and followed every call from God. Where was the fruit though?

Fast forward to 2015. I got the chance to finally talk with Stephanie again (thank God for an old notebook with her full name and Facebook). I had the chance to thank her for being patient with me, for praying for my salvation and for loving on me when she didn't have to. She graciously accepted my thanks and then invited me into the last ten years of her life. After her and I parted ways, she had to transition her faith from childhood to adulthood. She had to decide all over again to follow God and be obedient in this world that can shake our faith to the core. She had to discover who she is and find God's love and plans for her. Those years came with bad decisions and falling into some temptation but God redeemed it and won her heart.

I am praying that Stephanie can encourage you today. If you are in a place where God has you speaking life into a pre-Christian's heart, can you just be encouraged that you are planting seeds? Your obedience may not be rewarded on this side of heaven but you are doing God's work. You are giving that person the greatest gift you will ever give anyone. I personally cannot say how thankful I am for every single prayer for my heart to be turned to Jesus. If you are in a place where you are struggling in your faith and maybe even making bad choices, God can redeem you. He can save you from your mess and turn it into something beautiful. Humbly repent and ask that God would rescue you.

Most of all, let us remember that in all our brokenness and all our humanity that there is only one who saves and that is Jesus. He is our Savior, our knight in shining armor. He rescues us from the sin that entraps us.

So, if you’ve seen God turn your (or someone else's) personal sacrifice into a profound blessing, would you share it to encourage others?

For I was hungry, and you fed me.
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink.
I was a stranger and 
you invited me into your home.
I was naked, and you gave me clothing.
I was sick, and you cared for me.
I was in prison, and you visited me.
Matthew 25:35-36 NLT

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